What do we need to overcome?
This is not a complete list.
Information Bias
The first information that reaches us almost always carries the most weight.
Confirmation Bias
It pleases us to be right. That's why we often look for evidence that aligns with our opinion, analysis, or solution.
First-conclusion Bias
We like to feel comfortable. The first conclusion we've drawn is often the most comfortable one.
Counting Bias
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein
Groups generally overestimate their abilities, are closed-minded, and exert pressure on group members.
Maps vs. Territory
Theory vs. Practice.
Think Deeper, Decide Smarter
Bad decisions don't necessarily have negative consequences. But most of the time, they do. Conversely, good decisions don't always lead to the desired results. But most of the time, they do.
The difference between good and bad decisions lies in the quality of the thinking processes that preceded them. The astonishing thing is that we've never really learned how to think. It sounds very simple, because everyone seems to do it. But most of our thoughts are influenced by past experiences, prejudices, opinions, "gut feelings," and "the mood of the moment."
This is ballast that hinders clear thinking. Taking it into account is a good start. Actively counteracting it is better.
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