Poor decisions don't necessarily have to have negative consequences. But most of the time, they do. Conversely, a good decision doesn't always lead to the desired results. But most of the time, they do.

The difference between good decisions and poor ones lies mainly in how they come to be. Think about relevant information available, experiences gained, different perspectives that can be applied, etc. All of these factors are then weighed. And we do that by thinking.

"Studies have shown that 90% of thinking errors are attributed to perception errors. If you can change your perception, you can change your emotions, and this can lead to new ideas. Logic will never change emotions or perception." Edward de Bono

"By viewing the world from different perspectives, we deepen our understanding of it and can thereby find better solutions." –.” – From FRAMERS – Wie wir bessere Entscheidungen treffenby Kenneth Cukier, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Francis de Vericourt.

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Think man! Think!


(the perfect solution to a non-existent problem?)

The funny thing is, we've never really learned how to do that exactly, "thinking". It sounds very easy because everyone does it. But by far, most of the thoughts we have during a thought process are influenced by our experiences, biases, opinions, our "gut," and by something like "the whim of the moment". These influences don't always contribute to an optimal decision. It's more like a kind of baggage that obstructs clear thinking.

Originally we thought go-PARALLAX was a solution to a non-existent problem. However, it turns out to be a solution for important issues, most of which people aren't aware they have. 

Want to know how it works? Keep reading.