What do we need to overcome?

This is not a complete list.

Information Bias

The first information that reaches us almost always carries the most weight.

Confirmation Bias

It pleases us to be right. That's why we often look for evidence that aligns with our opinion, analysis, or solution.

First-conclusion Bias

We like to feel comfortable. The first conclusion we've drawn is often the most comfortable one.

Counting Bias

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein


Groups generally overestimate their abilities, are closed-minded, and exert pressure on group members.

Maps vs. Territory

Theory vs. Practice.

The Power of Simplicity

While simplicity is often associated with elegance and effectiveness, it is noteworthy how even seemingly simple products can have far-reaching consequences. The impact of a product is not solely determined by its complexity but rather by the value it provides and the transformation it brings about. 

Just think about how seemingly simple products like ballpoint pens and sticky notes have become indispensable tools that enhance communication, foster creativity, improve organization, and boost efficiency worldwide!

go-PARALLAX is such a product!

go-PARALLAX's far-reaching consequences lie in the ripple effect it generates. By enabling you to consciously disrupt your thought process, question biases, and overcome assumptions, go-PARALLAX allows you to make more informed decisions, foster innovation, and drive success. These seemingly small changes in thinking can lead to significant positive outcomes in both personal and professional realms.

Now that you're here, could you provide us with answers to some questions that could offer valuable insights for further developing go-PARALLAX? The first 50 who do so will receive a delightful little gift!